Andrew Abes
Strength & Conditioning Coach
The Hill Academy | Hill Performance Training
The Hill Academy | Hill Performance Training
Phone: (289) 828-0810
"Thomas has excelled in regards to his year of athletic development at The Hill Academy. From a physical standpoint, Thomas has great mechanical efficiency. He has sound biomechanics through dynamic movement both linearly and laterally, as well as primary strength training patterns in his squat, hinge, push and pull movements. He demonstrates explosive power through triple extension, excels at complex training patterns, and is an athlete who will see a steady progression in the long-term. Thomas is highly coachable, self-sufficient, and demonstrates a level of maturity and professionalism that is uncommon in an athlete of his age"
Drazen Glisic
Drazen Glisic
Director of Sports Science | Strength & Conditioning Coach
The Hill Academy | Hill Performance Training
Phone: (416) 937-5438
"Thomas is a highly coachable and driven individual who has been a key driver in his own athletic and personal development during his year at The Hill Academy. He performs fundamental movements: squat, lunge, lift, push and pull, with considerable competency. This has translated to him mastering complex exercises, and an improvement in his strength, power and speed. Thomas’ movement quality and efficiency are critical to his continued athletic development. He has shown great strides as an athlete but it is his commitment to his own development, willingness to learn, and focused mindset that will permit him to see success in any area he pursues"
Dan Noble
Director of Hill Performance | Strength & Conditioning Coach
The Hill Academy | Hill Performance Training
Phone: (416) 464-2618
"I had the pleasure of teaching/coaching Thomas Rozema this year. The Hill Academy's strength & conditioning is a highly competitive and demanding environment. Thomas's effort was relentless and he is extremely coachable and adaptable.
Academically, Thomas was a very strong student. On assignments, he made the effort to submit his work to me well before deadlines. As a student, Thomas was extremely polite and attentive during class. He always had a smile on his face, and he was a positive influence on his fellow students. While Thomas is quiet, he is still an active and engaged student who listens very closely to his classmates, and when he does speak, people listen to him
Thomas also has a great sense of humour and he got along well with his classmates and teammates. Thomas and some of the other student-athletes in his class had a very healthy but competitive relationship where they constantly tried to out-do each other in workout, which was great to see as a teacher and coach because it provided another form of motivation for them to succeed in the weight room and work as hard as they could to do so.
Thomas is a standout person and athlete. He is a leader and demonstrates a significant commitment to his goals and to the pursuit of excellence. I highly recommend Thomas for your program. He will be an asset to his community and he was a pleasure to be around. If you have any other questions, please let me know"
Carly Quinn
English Teacher
The Hill Academy
Phone: (519) 278-5913
Academic Achievement: Thomas is an excellent student for various reasons. Thomas achieved the highest percentage in our English Class, where he was surrounded by several highly academic students. Thomas is capable of comprehending complex material and is able to convey his ideas eloquently. His ideas are often expressed after critically analysing any situation, which allows him to apply knowledge from other areas to the given situation.
Behaviour: Thomas is a student that continually leads by example. He is focused on his academic performance and integrity, this sets a great example for his peers to follow. He also works well with his peers.
Attitude: Thomas is a student that every teacher wants to have in their class. He is eager to learn each day and has no hesitation to dive into difficult learning tasks. He works well independently, but also collaboratively.
Dedication/Commitment: Thomas is mature for his age, and he truly understands that importance of taking the appropriate steps to achieve his goals. He strives to reach his highest level of achievement.
Leadership: I do not coach Thomas, but Thomas has on many occasion demonstrated abundant leadership qualities in the classroom. He is verbal, but more importantly, he leads by example.
Other Comments: Thomas is extremely mature and responsible. He is also observant to his surroundings and has great awareness. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any other question or concerns about Thomas.
Jason Yee
Hockey Coach | Strength & Conditioning Coach
UBC Graduate | Founder of Train2.0
Phone: (250) 857-1572
Skill Development: Thomas has excellent skills. He's a naturally gifted athlete and picks up new skills very quickly.
Knowledge of the Game: Thomas is a student of the game. As an Australian, his game sense might be average right now, but his studiousness WILL move him ahead of the curve.
Fitness Level: Excellent, Very few athletes will be able to keep up to Thomas.

Dedication/Commitment: Extreme, very few athletes will be able to keep up to Thomas in this respect as well.
Attitude/Respect: Incredible, Thomas's attitude and positivity make him truly unique. He is honourable in everything he does.
Effort: You will get 10/10 effort from Thomas every single day, every single practice, every single minute.
Sportsmanship: As mentioned, Thomas conducts himself honourably with all of his interactions. This extends to his sportsmanship.
Leadership: University studies should be done on Thomas' leadership abilities as a teenager. I've literally never seen another teenager command such respect and lead groups to higher levels.
Other: Thomas is a one of a kind athlete. You probably have not and will not see another athlete quite like Thomas for years to come.
Dan Noble
Director of Hill Performance | Strength & Conditioning Coach
The Hill Academy | Hill Performance Training
Phone: (416) 464-2618
"I had the pleasure of teaching/coaching Thomas Rozema this year. The Hill Academy's strength & conditioning is a highly competitive and demanding environment. Thomas's effort was relentless and he is extremely coachable and adaptable.
Academically, Thomas was a very strong student. On assignments, he made the effort to submit his work to me well before deadlines. As a student, Thomas was extremely polite and attentive during class. He always had a smile on his face, and he was a positive influence on his fellow students. While Thomas is quiet, he is still an active and engaged student who listens very closely to his classmates, and when he does speak, people listen to him
Thomas also has a great sense of humour and he got along well with his classmates and teammates. Thomas and some of the other student-athletes in his class had a very healthy but competitive relationship where they constantly tried to out-do each other in workout, which was great to see as a teacher and coach because it provided another form of motivation for them to succeed in the weight room and work as hard as they could to do so.
Thomas is a standout person and athlete. He is a leader and demonstrates a significant commitment to his goals and to the pursuit of excellence. I highly recommend Thomas for your program. He will be an asset to his community and he was a pleasure to be around. If you have any other questions, please let me know"
Carly Quinn
English Teacher
The Hill Academy
Phone: (519) 278-5913
Academic Achievement: Thomas is an excellent student for various reasons. Thomas achieved the highest percentage in our English Class, where he was surrounded by several highly academic students. Thomas is capable of comprehending complex material and is able to convey his ideas eloquently. His ideas are often expressed after critically analysing any situation, which allows him to apply knowledge from other areas to the given situation.
Behaviour: Thomas is a student that continually leads by example. He is focused on his academic performance and integrity, this sets a great example for his peers to follow. He also works well with his peers.
Attitude: Thomas is a student that every teacher wants to have in their class. He is eager to learn each day and has no hesitation to dive into difficult learning tasks. He works well independently, but also collaboratively.
Dedication/Commitment: Thomas is mature for his age, and he truly understands that importance of taking the appropriate steps to achieve his goals. He strives to reach his highest level of achievement.
Leadership: I do not coach Thomas, but Thomas has on many occasion demonstrated abundant leadership qualities in the classroom. He is verbal, but more importantly, he leads by example.
Other Comments: Thomas is extremely mature and responsible. He is also observant to his surroundings and has great awareness. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any other question or concerns about Thomas.
Jason Yee
Hockey Coach | Strength & Conditioning Coach
UBC Graduate | Founder of Train2.0
Phone: (250) 857-1572
Skill Development: Thomas has excellent skills. He's a naturally gifted athlete and picks up new skills very quickly.
Knowledge of the Game: Thomas is a student of the game. As an Australian, his game sense might be average right now, but his studiousness WILL move him ahead of the curve.
Fitness Level: Excellent, Very few athletes will be able to keep up to Thomas.

Dedication/Commitment: Extreme, very few athletes will be able to keep up to Thomas in this respect as well.
Attitude/Respect: Incredible, Thomas's attitude and positivity make him truly unique. He is honourable in everything he does.
Effort: You will get 10/10 effort from Thomas every single day, every single practice, every single minute.
Sportsmanship: As mentioned, Thomas conducts himself honourably with all of his interactions. This extends to his sportsmanship.
Leadership: University studies should be done on Thomas' leadership abilities as a teenager. I've literally never seen another teenager command such respect and lead groups to higher levels.
Other: Thomas is a one of a kind athlete. You probably have not and will not see another athlete quite like Thomas for years to come.